Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini is said to be a female energy coiled at the base of the spine in the muladhara chakra, waiting to be awakened.

Many people have many opinions, beliefs, fears, and judgments about Kundalini energy. Some think it’s a yoga practice, others believe it’s a demonic force, and others may just embody the energy without judgment. Regardless of the specific beliefs, far too many present themselves to be experts. I offer nothing more than my own direct experience and the recognition that my experience is no one else’s.

Kundalini Awakening 1

What is Kundalini Energy?

Kundalini energy in my own words is “life force” energy vibrating and channeling through you, manifesting the creation that is YOU. Kundalini is your spirit, your essence, and your soul all wrapped into one. 

Each of us is an individual expression of the one true Source or God. That individual expression is a splinter of the whole and that splinter of energy is flowing through you, vibrating atoms into the manifestation you see in the mirror in every moment. 

Kundalini is as powerful as life itself, as it is life itself. Without that energy flowing through all of us, we would be lifeless. 

Kundalini energy is positively infinite and tapping into it can connect us to powers inherent to our nature, yet stifled in our 3D realities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.

Samuel Farrand
Credit: @SamuelFarrand

My Kundalini Journey

In the grander scheme of things my kundalini journey began at birth. I know this now because 3 years ago I held my grandson in my arms shortly after his birth. By that time, I had already been kundalini awakened for a few months and with that awareness is was easy to see the absolute “electrical charge” running through his entire being. His body squirmed relentlessly, kicking his legs as his own kundalini life force awakened within him, animating his very being into existence before my eyes. It was an emotional moment that will never leave me and I will do whatever I can to continue to nurture that core frequency within him forever. This experience is how I know that each of us are almost certainly kundalini awakened at birth. Unfortunately, we’re quickly contained, taught to be still and keep quiet while being generally shamed for any authentic expression outside of the norms or “proper” society. In retrospect, this is a travesty, and I feel that we’re all victims of this paradigm to whatever degree. 

In my own life, I struggled to “be still,” but my sensitive and empathetic nature led me to people please and suppress the energies that were viscerally charging through me. Gratefully, those energies were never fully extinguished and I do believe that they continue to reside within all of us until the day we die and they transmute back to source or on to the next incarnation. That said, these energies can are routinely are stifled within us, which is what leads to us requiring a kundalini awakening to begin with. 

Throughout my own life and journey, these energies struggled to express. Stifled by fear, shame, anger, and resentments of all sorts, among other dysfunctions and distortions. I did my best to “fit in” and go along with the norm, but I was always raging inside. I felt there had to be something more than what I could see in my reality, so I’ve lived my life as a seeker. Always on the path of exploration and genuine curiosity. 

The energies expressed mostly in socially acceptable ways; in my teens through experimentation with drugs and binge drinking to numb myself to the feelings that I could not control, describe, or channel. In my 20’s through running and biking as more mainstream acceptable athletic endeavors, however linear and limited they actually are. Then later in my 20’s I found the first expression that was more authentic to my being, which was the Brazilian martial art of Capoeira. 

Looking back on my Capoeira journey, it was absolutely critical in my kundalini awakening. The art is based on circular movements and kicks, the power of which comes literally from twisting the torso like a coiled spring, and leveraging that energetic contraction to launch a powerful kick or movement. I did Capoeira seriously on and off for nearly 15 years and there is no doubt in my mind that the art was preparing me for my ultimate kundalini awakening by serving as a training ground for the energy within the very structure and constitution of my energetic body. The art is effectively an extreme sport, very challenging to the body and mind, requiring immense and intense dedication. Eventually, I had to quit Capoeira due to extenuating life challenges that shook me to the core.

This was around 2012-2013 when I was left with literally nothing and raised my arms to God and the Universe requesting assistance. Remarkably, my prayers were answered in the form of multiple challenges. First, I was challenged to incorporate yoga and meditation into my life. I applied the same level of intensity to Yoga as I had to Capoeira, another clear sign to me that I was being prepared for my kundalini awakening. I practiced yoga and meditation nearly every day for the next 3 years, purging my body of past traumas, beliefs, and toxic thought patterns. 

During that time I also met an amazing woman that I began dating. She was kundalini awakened and expressed it in many ways. She was extraordinarily sensitive to most anything from food to sound, where she would often have involuntary kriyas. Her kriyas were more along the lines of subtle and not so subtle repetitive spinal waves from root to crown. She would also have kriyas and uncontrollable body movements during meditation. At the time, she told me it was kundalini, but I know nothing about it, so I didn’t really have much awareness. I noticed it and respected it, but just thought it was her weird thing and I have many weird things of my own. 

The next year, in 2018, I started my plant medicine journey and sat with Ayahuasca 8 times. In each ceremony, I experienced extremely violent “unwinding” throughout my neck and spine. This unwinding was a sort of kriya, but far more intense than I’d ever seen before. My entire body would shake as I purged an extraordinary amount of pent-up energy from my system. Having the perspective I have now, it’s clear to me that this was the next phase of clearing my energetic body for my kundalini awakening. 

In 2019, I worked with psilocybin mostly (see my psilocybin page) and recovering from the intensity of 3 years of hardcore yoga and a year of hardcore ayahuasca, I went into a passive stretching phase. That entire year, I lived at the beach and went into the ocean daily, doing cold therapy and intentionally merging with the water and waves at a cellular level. At night I developed my passive stretching practice, including myofascial release, toning, and other modalities in the mix.

All of this was preparing me for the night when kundalini awakened. It didn’t awaken so much as it erupted within me. I was sitting in my living room at my altar, deep in my practice just to the right of two french doors with glass. The light of the moon was flooding in over me as the energy took over me. It was quite a shocking experience actually. That’s saying a lot from someone who is and has been extremely athletic and tuned into my body. This was other level for sure. It was so shocking that I took videos of myself shaking and convulsing because I was in disbelief about what was happening to me.

Since my kundalini awakening I have also use ayhuascahapé, and kambo to explore ancient medicines and energies. 

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